We hope all is well. As per our District Lodge meeting on February 4 bids are being accepted for any chapters who would like to be considered to host the 2021 AHEPA Family District 6 Convention. The Bid submission deadline is Tuesday, March 23, 2021. The written Bid must either be mailed to District Governor Lou Katsos or e-mailed to Bids will be considered and awarded at the joint District Lodge meeting on Tuesday, March 30, 2021. Indicate in your Bid whether you are Bidding for a Virtual Convention or an In Person one. Those Bidding for an In Person Convention must submit a concise plan with their Bid as to how they will deal with safety precautions related to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Bidding Chapters should be present by a GoToMeeting to answer questions. Please click here for the document with more information. Thank you.
Fraternally yours,
Order of AHEPA
Empire State District Six Lodge