We hope all is well. We are pleased to announce that the 2021 AHEPA Family Supreme Convention will be from July 25 to 31 at the Hotel Grand Bretagne in Athens, Greece. Reservations can be booked at Please make sure you reserve them since AHEPA Global Headquarters needs to release all rooms in the coming weeks and will not be able to secure any additional rooms after a certain date. The AHEPA Delegate/Alternate package is $375 if purchased by June 1. Please click here for the form along with the journal form. The cost is $250 per ad. Delegates and Alternates dues MUST be paid up through 2021 to be seated at the convention. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Fraternally yours,
Brother Lou Katsos
AHEPA District 6 Governor
Brother Chris Pappis
AHEPA District 6 Secretary