Brothers and AHEPA Family members:
Χριστός Ανέστη! Aληθώς ανέστη! Please join us as a follow through during this difficult coronavirus period for another brief AHEPA District 6 Family GoTo/Call In meeting this Wednesday, April 29 at 7 PM. Besides the Lodge Officers and Directors we are inviting and ask all Chapter Presidents, officers, and members to join us if you can. We ask that you please mute your phones. The agenda includes:
1. Coronavirus Issues within Chapters/Moment of Silence to those that have passed
2. Lodge and Chapter meetings
3. Support and communications/Help to our senior citizens
4. Upcoming Events - District 6 Convention and Event Cancellations and Postponements/AHEPA “Police Border Fund”
5. Chapter Dues
***NOTE: As per our previous Lodge/Chapter discussions over the last two months we stated we would make a decision by the end of April whether the June 26-28 District Convention would be held and based on the circumstances on the ground at that time around the coronavirus. Based on those circumstances we will not have the District Convention as originally planned. We ask therefore that all Chapter Presidents/Representatives join us on Wednesday to help and inform in making a decision as to the form of this year’s District Convention as well as the date. The District 6 Lodge is considering two options - #1 - to hold the District Convention in late June as originally planned but in a virtual form, or #2 - delay the District Convention and have it in its original form, with social distancing, etc., in late September. We have discussed these two options with the Supreme Lodge and they are amenable to either option. These two options will be discussed at the meeting and among the very important reasons we ask that you try to attend this meeting since a decision on the District Convention will be made after those discussions, and in keeping with our end of April decision timetable.
Thank you, best regards, and you and your families STAY SAFE.
Fraternally yours,
Brother Lou Katsos
AHEPA District 6 Governor
AHEPA District 6 Family
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 136-437-613 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: