July 3, 2021
Dear brothers of the Empire District 6:
On behalf of the newly elected District Lodge, I wish all our chapter officers and members a very happy and safe Independence Day. I hope that this national holiday provides you with the opportunity to spend cherished time with your families. As we celebrate our country’s independence from Great Britain, as it commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, let us also pay tribute to the brave men and women of our armed forces who defend our freedoms here at home and around the world.
I also take this opportunity to thank all the delegates of our District’s 85th Convention for the honor and privilege of being elected as your District Governor on June 19, 2021, which was beautifully hosted by the Binghamton Leonidas Chapter 77. In addition, I congratulate all the District Lodge officers who were elected or re-elected. In addition, I offer my congratulations to the Port Jefferson Chapter 319 for being awarded the Chapter of the Year, to Argyris Argitakos for being awarded AHEPAN of the Year, and to Chris Pappis who was the recipient of the Exceptional Service Award. Last but not least, I congratulate Past District Governor Lou Katsos, the recipient of the Appreciation Award, in recognition for his outstanding service, dedication, and loyalty to the Order of AHEPA and to the ideals of Hellenism.
Finally, I will soon publicize the District Directors for 2021 – 2022, and on behalf of PDG Lou Katsos, I thank all of past year’s District Lodge elected and appointed officers for their diligent service to the District for the good of the Order which was especially challenging during the pandemic.
Dean Moskos
District 6 Governor