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Headquarters Update March 19, 2020


At the direction of our Supreme President George G. Horiates I have been instructed to send this e-mail to our members and officers. The Supreme Lodge of AHEPA had a conference call meeting and has approved the following COVID-19 administrative measures and asks the below information be disseminated to our chapters.

District Conventions

1. District delegate and alternate forms to be submitted by their conventions, ten days ahead of time. This form is usually signed by Chapter Officers etc.

Approved: Special dispensation for a Chapter to teleconference on its selection of Delegates and Alternates to its District Convention. Thereafter, the form can be sent e-mail to the corresponding District Secretary or Governor for submission for the District’s Convention.

2. There are a few District Conventions that are scheduled beginning to late May. Looking at Constitution Articles 11, they call on the timing of such conventions through June. Some may not be able to reschedule within this time frame.

Approved: Special dispensation to reschedule conventions will be given on a case by case basis.

3. District Officers are elected at their conventions as codified in Article 12 of the Constitution. Again, if a convention cannot be scheduled during the time frame as a result of the coronavirus or having to be called off and reset in a time frame beyond the current permissible time, a remedy is to be approved.

Approved: If a District cannot have a convention as a result of mandated rescheduling, a District may consider, by majority consent of all duly notified Chapters on a teleconference with at least ten days’ notice provided, holding either (a) a telephonic election with the District Governor presiding or (b) maintaining its current Lodge. A vote for either option would need be recorded, with due notice, of all chapters by majority prior to either selected proposed action. Preference is to be given towards allowing a vote for a new district lodge.

4. AHEPAN of the Year – Chapters often select an AHEPAN of the Year and provide their selection to their respective Districts for consideration by the District Lodges as a District AHEPAN of the Year. Thereafter, the District AHEPAN of the year is submitted for selection by the Supreme Lodge for International AHEPAN of the Year. Given the above stated scenarios, if a District Lodge is unable to meet prior to its District Convention there may be an issue of a worthy candidate being excluded for consideration.

Approved: A District Lodge may consider, by majority consent of all duly notified District Lodge Officers by teleconference with at least ten days’ notice providing for holding a telephonic election with the District Governor presiding.


AHEPA provides millions of dollars of scholarships on the chapter, local and national levels. The scenario where a chapter, district or national scholar applicant may be incapable of securing any required signatures if officers are unavailable. For chapter and district scholarships, it is suggested that if steps become too cumbersome that any student not be disqualified for the inability to obtain signatures.

The National Educational Foundation has extended the national deadline to April 30, 2020 from March 31, 2020; there is no penalty for applications without reference letters.


Every chapter Secretary MUST send in dues as quickly as collected. All chapters should send out bills to their membership and send in the dues. All members must be current on their dues to qualify as delegates at any and all meetings and conventions. No extensions will be made for the dues.


The Supreme President has asked that no AHEPA Chapter schedule meetings in March. Try to communicate via phone for the immediate future. Our chapters can meet virtually, or by phone. When the dust settles and the meetings can once again take place, we will announce programs to restart our engagement in the communities. Please take time to check on your older members, call them to see if they need any food or medicine. We need to help one another. Be safe and be smart.

Since 1922 the AHEPA has coordinated efforts to assist our members and community in troubled times. In the 1930’s with the Great Depression, the AHEPA fed countless people. In the 1940’s AHEPA joined with the War Effort and sold hundreds of millions of dollars in War Bonds, sent over solders to fight fascism, and after the war, assisted in the rebuilding of Greece. In the 1950’s we helped our youth and supported our communities with scholarships and grants. The 1960’s heard our voice on social issues and in the 1970’s we worked to flex our muscle to help Cyprus survive.

In the 1980’s we build homes for young and old alike, and in the 90’s we built monuments to hail our forefathers. In the dark days after 9/11 AHEPA stood proud with survivors and supported their plight. Today we are active as ever assisting where needed. The AHEPA has always and will always be the stalwart champion of the Hellenic community. Always working to assist those in need in our communities, the AHEPA survives.

Together we will work to assure that all of us can weather yet another storm, it makes us stronger, and it makes us proud to see our members and friends working together for the betterment of all. Now is not the time to worry, it is the time to work together and build for our future.

Lastly, The Order of AHEPA has NOT cancelled any national programs at this time. As of today the May 14 banquet in DC is still scheduled to take place and our National Convention will take place in July. We do not have any additional information to make us change our plans at this time. Chapters should take this down time to organize their chapters books, send out information to the members via e-mail or us mail, and concentrate on getting dues into HQ as soon as possible to cut down on last minute work towards the end of the year.

Call AHEPA Global HQ with any concerns at (202) 232-6300.

Fraternally, ​Basil Mossaidis

Executive Director

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