On behalf of the AHEPA District 6 Lodge we wish you and your families a Blessed Holy Week, and Holy Easter on Sunday, May 2nd. Pascha/Easter is a celebration of the day of the Resurrection of Christ. It is the greatest and oldest feast in the Christian Calendar, the core fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith, and central in all the books of the New Testament and in the Creed of the faith. For the Orthodox there is no greater feast than Easter including the feast of the Nativity (Christmas) and why in the Hellenic it is also called “Lambra”, the brightest day of all. The reasons for its preeminence are many, including as stated by St. Paul in the First Epistle to the Corinthians - “If Christ is not raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.” 15:14. Although the Passion is observed by the Orthodox with the depth and significance that befits Christ’s supreme sacrifice, it is his Resurrection that binds the redemption issued from the Cross for them. May the brightness of its light shine on you and your families.
This is a special time, and regardless of the adversities thrown on us, it is also a time for us to give thanks. Although the virulent spread of COVID-19/Coronavirus has hugely disrupted all our daily lives over the past year and there is confusion as to how long it will take to get things back/closer to normal things are getting better, and we hope all of you and your family are doing well. In brotherhood please take the time to reach out to your fellow brothers and sisters during this period and see if anyone needs help and let’s continue to maintain our vigilance during these Holy Days and Pascha. It is also a time for remembering those we shared wonderful Paschal memories with, and who are now in a better place, but always with us. May their memories be eternal. Our best regards to you and sincerely wish and hope for your continued safety. Καλή Ανάσταση!! Καλό Πάσχα!!
Fraternally yours,
Brother Lou Katsos
AHEPA District 6 Governor