We hope all is well. As mentioned monthly at our Lodge/Chapter/Member meetings AHEPA’s 2021 Supreme Convention will be held in Athens and coinciding with the continuing glorious celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Hellenic Revolution of 1821. It will be a great convention in the birthplace of democracy. The convention details are on the AHEPA website at We are approaching the April 15 deadline so please click here for the 2021 Delegate form with instructions for your Chapters.
Note: With respect to facsimiles and internet e-mails, the reporting form MUST be received at headquarters no later than 11:59 pm (eastern time), April 15. If April 15 is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the next business day by 11:59 pm, (eastern time) shall be accepted. Delegates and Alternates dues MUST be paid up through 2021 to be seated at the convention.
The Greece Convention is going to be historic and we want all of our delegates to get rooms as well as airline reservations at AHEPA special prices. Waiting is going to assure you of SOLD OUT rooms, planes and tickets so act fast. The Supreme President has been working tirelessly to get this convention to be the best ever. Thank you and best regards.
Fraternally yours,
Brother Lou Katsos
AHEPA District 6 Governor