Our community is saddened and seriously concerned relating to the circumstances around the taser death of George Zapantis, age 29, by the NYPD recently. Please click here for the article.
We second AHEPA Supreme President George Horiates’s leadership call for a “full and transparent” independent investigation. Since there has been a historical aspect to bias relating at times to the unlawful death of Hellenic Americans and justice not being served we particularly as AHEPANS have to be laser focused that this incident does not become one of them. If appropriate guidelines and care were not followed then also it is our duty and obligation as Americans and AHEPANS to help try to insure that per our Hellenism values that justice prevails, as well as the rule of law.
I have been in contact with other community leaders regarding actions to be taken and will be part of a further discussion around George Zapantis’s death this Sunday on Hellenic Public Radio COSMOS FM 91.5, and will provide further details shortly. Our sincere condolences to George Zapantis’s family during these difficult times. May his memory be eternal.
Fraternally yours,
Brother Lou Katsos
AHEPA District 6 Governor