As we have mentioned from our District 6 June Convention and subsequent monthly District 6 Lodge and joint AHEPA District Lodge/DOP Lodge/Chapter/Member meetings, as we were losing a lot of District 6 AHEPA Brothers and DOP Sisters this year due to various reasons COVID and otherwise, we had to honor those of our members who have fallen during the year in our District. We agreed to have a special District 6 Family Ad in January with the names of all our fallen family members during 2020 to commemorate them and give them the appropriate thanks for their service and philanthropy to our various Empire State communities over the years in this great AHEPA District 6 Family of ours.
Brother Jim Zafiros had volunteered to Chair the Special District 6 Family Remembrance Ad Committee and we thank him for all his efforts in this regard. He did a magnificent job. We thank and are indebted to him for this, and his continual service and initiatives within our District. Panda AXIOS!!
We remember, and will never forget, those members of the AHEPA Family who passed away this past year. Members of the EMPIRE STATE District 6 AHEPA Family, remember and honor all of you, for your Citizenship, Membership and Service to the World’s Largest Fraternal Organization, the Order of AHEPA. May Your Memory Be Eternal. Please click here for a copy of the two page weekend edition Remembrance Ad in the National Herald.
Fraternally yours,
Brother Lou Katsos
AHEPA District 6 Governor